Natural cure for cartilage erosion

By: Eyal Cohen, Hiller, and author of the books series “Things You Will not Hear From Your Doctor”

“An orthopedist could not help me – think you will succeed ???”

In many cases, when I met people suffering from an erosion of cartilage and offered them help with a healing treatment that could reduce their pain, I get responses in this manner that are said in an offensive tone. The truth is that once I hear this tone, it is clear to me that these people will not try anything until they reach a joint replacement surgery that will harm their quality of life and cripple them, with all that entails …
Surprisingly, over more than twenty years of experience in treating many different diseases and health problems, I have seen quite a few cases that made me understand that cartilage erosion is not a terminal problem, and that through proper support the body can recover from it.

My first chance at treating cartilage erosion was in 2011 while I treated a woman called Tamar Lapid that was before surgery because of erosion of cartilage in the palm of her hand. After the first treatment, Tamar reported that the pain had decreased significantly and that the night’s sleep was continuous after many nights of pain and lack of sleep. After further treatment, the problem is completely solved …

As time goes by, additional evidence of amazing spontaneous recovery emerges from difficult situations of pain and physical disabilities as a result of erosion of cartilage.
People who came to me with severe pain and functional limitations reported the complete disappearance of pain and a return to normal function, without pills or surgery.
In many cases, two healing treatments for cartilage erosion in the hip joint and erosion of the cartilage on the shoulders, and from a state of infertility and dysfunction, the problems disappeared.

The worst thing you can do to yourself when you suffer from cartilage erosion is to use painkillers, as this will worsen the wear. You have to understand that pain has meaning, and what is done is meant to restrict you to prevent you from aggravating the damage, and if you ignore it and use pain medication, the erosion will continue quickly until the pills are no longer useful and will need surgery.

If you suffer from pain due to cartilage erosion, the right way to stop them is through healing rather than suppression.

If you suffer from cartilage erosion, before you or your loved ones run to surgery and insert metal or plastic into your body, try healing or reiki treatments, no pain, nobody loads, and no risks. Make a maximum of three treatments for yourself, at worst it will not work, but you have nothing to lose and you can always go for surgery, but there is no way back from surgery.
Simply give the body the support that will enable it to do the work as only the body knows …

Let us build a healthier society!

Find those helpful tips – as well as many others  which can improve your life quality, in the book series “Things you won’t hear from your Doctor” © copyrights – by Eyal Cohen

The book “The Natural Cure for Gum Diseases”  is now available as an E-book on Amazon.
Download it now and save yourself from losing teeth, gum surgeries, great suffer and huge expenses.

Find those helpful tips – as well as many others which can improve your life quality, in the book series “Things you won’t hear from your Doctor” – by Eyal Cohen