My name is Eyal Cohen.
I am an Israeli musician and a singer, for living I play music in occasions and sing along with my wife. I play guitar and produce MIDI files that we use to play the musical arrangements in our performances.
Ever Since I remember myself, I was considered as an “outsider,” because I saw the reality in different eyes than normal people.
For many years I was in the process of developing receding of the gum, totally unaware off this fact.
In June 1993, at the age of 32, all of a sudden it seemed as if my gums disappeared, and I had to face that I suffer from severe receding of the gums. After I managed to cure myself and understand its causes, the disregard of the medical establishment and the media, caused me a total crisis of faith. It felt like an earthquake that crushed everything that I was brought up to believe in, and it made me begin to do what no-one is supposed to do – to think!
This shocking experience that we call “enlightenment” came crushing down on me in a sea of knowledge that changed my perception of life, and follow it I begin to practice reiki and healing – and discovered that I have the ability to help people get cured from many kinds of pain, suffer and diseases.
I try to pass on this life changing knoledge in this website with health tips and articles, and in more metodic way in the book series “Things you won’t hear from your doctor,” hoping to make our life and our world healthier and happier.
Before you dive into the topics in this website, I recommend that you try to forget all you have learned about these issues. Suspend your disbelief, as it will only serve to hinder your understanding of the true source of the disease with which we are dealing.
Good Luck
Eyal Cohen
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