Fertility natural treatments

By: Eyal Cohen, Healer, and author of the book series “Things You Won’t Hear from Your Doctor”.

So many women undergo fertility treatments that cost a fortune, risk their lives, suffer pain, humiliation and do not always get results, and also if they have, they are never what a natural pregnancy will be like…

You have to understand that artificial insemination is nothing like a natural pregnancy because during natural pregnancy there is a race between millions of sperm cells. and the strongest and healthiest sperm fertilizes the egg.
In artificial insemination, things are quite different.
Doctors take sperm donation, which has millions of sperm cells, from which they select the sperm that looks the best to be used for fertilization.

No matter how much the doctors dig in the sperm, they will never be able to find and use the same sperm cell from the millions, who wins the race naturally, therefore, artificial fertilization gives weaker offspring, with high chances to suffer from various health problems in their lives, far more than children born naturally.

Artificial insemination also raises the chances of birth of girls, because testosterone, which is the energy hormone, causes the sperms to race, and with no race, most chances that the sperms that the doctors will dig will have less testosterone.

Therefore,  to have a healthier society and also to keep the natural balance, before turning to artificial fertility treatments, it is better to try to strengthen the body and allow it to be absorbed through natural means.

Chronic diseases can cause infertility.

Diseases that are considered as “chronic”, “autoimmune” and others that people suffer for life, may significantly decrease the chances of conceiving.

Diseases such as gum diseases, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and many other diseases that are defined as “chronic”, may affect fertility.
The reason, as I see it, whether we are aware of it or not, at any given moment, our bodies need to spend more energy on countless factors harmful to the environment in which we live. Chronic diseases are an ongoing process and the more it is acute, is forced the body to spend more energy and effort to rehabilitate itself and is able to evacuate pregnantly. At a certain point, when the body feels that the environment is not suitable for the next generation, it will shut down the reproductive mechanism.

Therefore, before turning to artificial insemination treatments, it is better to try to strengthen the body and allow it to do it through natural means.

Reiki treatments are based on the energetic support, provide the body with energy that allows the egg to develop and mature, so that followed, the chances to conceive may be much higher than chemical and hormonal treatments, which are also painless, has no side effects – and even in a friendly way, comfortable and peaceful.

For a woman who becomes pregnant following this kind of treatment, it is recommended to receive such treatments also during pregnancy.

Reiki treatments during pregnancy give energetic support to significantly improve the quality of pregnancy.
It is important to understand the woman’s uterus during pregnancy is used as an incubator in which the fetus is cooking on it is ready to emerge into the world – and treatments during pregnancy, the woman and the fetus will provide high-quality energy, increase chances of a successful pregnancy.

With all my experience these kinds of therapy in numerous functional problems, because the syndrome lack, unfortunately, so far no experience of treatment for this purpose, so that the information is based on, in my body, but I am convinced that this is the best way to a successful pregnancy – and anyway, this way no nothing to lose so it should be a priority on the road with the potential damage.

Find those helpful tips – as well as many others  which can improve your life quality, in the book series “Things you won’t hear from your Doctor” © copyrights – by Eyal Cohen

The book “The Natural Cure for Gum Diseases”  is now available as an E-book on Amazon.
Download it now and save yourself from losing teeth, gum surgeries, great suffer and huge expenses.

Find those helpful tips – as well as many others which can improve your life quality, in the book series “Things you won’t hear from your Doctor” – by Eyal Cohen

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