Do not connect me to a ventilation machine

By: Eyal Cohen, Healer, and author of the series “Things You Won’t Hear From Your Doctor.”

Are ventilating machines effective for curing corona patients?

Getting ready to undergo surgery or go into hospitalization for some reason???

These days, as each state searches for more and more ventilating machines to treat corona patients, modestly allow me to give you a tip from my perception, that although it is not politically correct,  it may save you and your loved ones a great deal of unnecessary suffering – and possibly save your lives:

Before entering the hospital or the operating room, sign that if the condition gets complicated – you do not want the doctors to connect you to the ventilating machine. Some people may think it delusional but I’ll immediately explain things clearly in a way that makes sense!

As a therapist, I occasionally called to hospital ICUs, and my impression is that the ventilating machine kills more than it saves lives. We have been conditioned to believe that it is essential equipment, but people who are attached to it go through the torment of hell and, that in many cases end their lives, from the suffering and damage caused by the ventilating machine.

In various cases, if the body is weakened or from various professional considerations, doctors attach the patient to the ventilating machine to support his breathing. To connect the machine, they open a hole in the throat, which is called a tracheotomy, where a plastic tube called a cannula is inserted, to prevent the body form closing it.

Some of the disadvantages of the ventilating machine that you should know:

The body that is in distress anyway now also needs to cope with the wound in the throat, that it naturally trying to cure.

The open hole in the throat causes the body to secrete a huge amount of phlegm to prevent bacteria and infections from penetrating the body through it, and therefore, for preventing the patient from suffocating, every half hour or so the medical team has to suction the secretion, through a duct pumping the phlegm.

The suctioning action in which the tube is inserted into the throat and roams there to pump the phlegm causes the patient enormous pain and suffering.

Because of the hole in the throat, the sick man cannot speak, and because of the distress and the pain, he instinctively tries to pull off the pipes attached to it causing him great suffering. in order to prevent him from pulling the tubes, they tie his hands to the railing of the bed, and if he goes raging he receives tranquilizing drugs through the infusion which can also have unwanted side effects that can be exacerbated the situation.

The machine operates at a steady rate regardless of the body’s need, which changes from breath to breathe – thus increasing the level of distress and suffering.

Sometimes Doctors enrich with oxygen the air that enters the lungs through the tracheotomy. The problem is that the enriched air is very cold, and there is an immediate danger of systems collapsing that starts with pneumonia which can lead to the need for lung transplants and other aggressive treatments and will worsen rapidly.

Naturally, the air we breathe passes through the sinuses, where it heats up and undergoes a kind of adaptation to the respiratory system so that the lungs get it without it causing any damage.

In addition, a higher concentration of oxygen than normal can burn the lungs soft tissues or scar them, causing them irreparable damage.

The ventilating machine weakens the body and impairs its ability to cope with the disease that it has in the first place because instead of directing its resources to recovery, it is now busy trying to heal the open wound in the throat.

The longer the ventilating lasts, the ventilator mechanically introduces the air into the lungs, degenerates the diaphragm, and therefore, even if it is somewhat beneficial, after prolonged use the person is left with a degenerate diaphragm and with very limited breathing capacity.

In summary, to my perception, if the body is able to survive the ventilating machine, chances are it will survive without it, only without the trauma of tracheotomy for whatever it entails, and instead of cutting it and respire it from a machine that in most cases causes great suffer and distress – and leaves it with severe damage, the right thing to do is to support it and strengthen its systems.

Instead of reaching for the mechanical and invasive means, try a different approach and use holistic treatments like Reiki or Healing before the deterioration, and there are tangible chances you will avoid the hospitalization and the surgery. Even if you have had the surgery, these treatments will strengthen the body without causing any damage, speed up the rehabilitation and leave less trauma in the tissues.

And for clarification, I’m not a doctor. I write things down from my experience after several times I have treated people in the hospital with intensive care – and unfortunately, I have seen the suffering that the respirator causes and where it leads.

The things presented here express my attitude and personal opinion, and are based on my experiences from the healing realm. You have the right to adopt or to act in any way you believe. Those who identify themselves are welcome to share this article, in order to prevent their loved ones from destructive treatments, that cause tremendous suffering and in many cases cause death…

After over twenty years of practicing healing, I can tell that unfortunately, people usually come to me for help when medicine can no longer help them, and after the severe traumas caused by invasive treatments, natural healing ability is already limited.


I recommend you to try healing treatments whenever the pain or dysfunction starts, long before you have invasive procedures, and chances are you won’t need medical treatment.


Find those helpful tips – as well as many others  which can improve your life quality, in the book series “Things you won’t hear from your Doctor” © copyrights – by Eyal Cohen

The book “Zen and The Natural Cure for Gum Diseases”  is now available as an E-book on Amazon.

Download it now and save yourself from losing teeth, gum surgeries, great suffer and huge expenses.

Find those helpful tips – as well as many others which can improve your life quality, in the book series “Things you won’t hear from your Doctor” – by Eyal Cohen