Diet – what makes it so hard to lose weight

By: Eyal Cohen, Healer, and author of the book series “Things You Won’t Hear from Your Doctor”

Diet is a war to achieve a desirable goal. Before entering a war, in order to win or at least come out with significant gains, it is important to identify the enemy and understand his methods. Here, the enemy is elusive, mocking us and makes us fall again and again to the same trap in various ways…
Along with this article, we will raise the level of our awareness of impulses that cause us to fail, false alarm, and distress mechanisms that the body uses at any stage of losing weight, in order to make us return to its familiar shape. As long as we do not understand these mechanisms, we are in fact controlled by unseen forces that affect us in different ways – and respond to them automatically.
The better we understand these forces, we increase our chances to overcome them and achieve the goal of losing fat, feeling better, being healthier, and being more attractive.

Before we go into understanding the processes associated with obesity, to make sure that we are speaking the same language, I will elucidate relevant terms, starting with the ‘burning calories’, which is so prevalent – and wrong term…

There is no such thing as “burning calories.”
Unlike “burning calories,” in every activity that we do, we burn carbohydrates and fat, to produce heat energy that is measured in calories, and so, the correct term that should be used is “burning fat” or “producing calories”…

Most of the food we eat actually burnt (oxidized) in a controlled manner in the body and becomes heat energy used by the body for its different activities, whether in terms of the physical aspect or sensation. In fact, about ninety percent of our food intake is used by the body to create heat through the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates – and as we are active, the body produces more heat in the metabolic process.

If you eat more carbohydrates and fat than what you need for your activity, your body converts the excess carbohydrates into fats, which is potential energy that accumulates in various body tissues, from tissues that need energy for activity under stress, and subsequently, many other tissues used for long-term energy reservoir.

Nutritional value and caloric value:

Dealing with nutrition, it is important to clarify that each type of food has caloric value and nutritional value, that is used by the body for its various needs

Nutritional value:

Every kind of food contains substances that the body needs to build tissue and for its metabolism.
Different foods provide the body with a variety of organic compounds that contain substances such as proteins, vitamins, fibers, minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, copper, iodine, phosphorus and many other materials used in the body growth, function, build tissues and organs, and in processes of healing and rehabilitation from certain damages.

Some foods contain a high percentage of minerals.

Salt, For example, is an essential nutrient, composed of sodium and chlorine, and has mineral value only – with no caloric value.

Caloric value:

Exists in a group of foods containing substances used for the body’s energy production, contains sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and more.

Refined sugar, for example, is pure carbohydrate: with a caloric value only – no nutritional value.

Rice, bread (flour), potatoes, beans and many other foods from plants contain a high percentage of carbohydrates.
The higher the percentage of ingredients in food with high caloric value, the body is able to produce more energy in the form of heat for its various activities, whether it is defined as physical or mental activity or emotional activity. As we are less active, the body will produce from the foods more fat, which will be stored as potential energy.

Besides salt and water, that do not have a caloric value, each type of food has calories contributes to some extent to the economy of the energy of the body,


(Footnote 🙂
Although water is not fattening, we cannot underestimate its contribution to obesity. In many cases, we feel that a little candy supposedly causes weight gain in a scale higher than its own weight. The reason for this is that for the production of fat, in addition to fats and carbohydrates from food, the body uses water molecules.

This weight gain is proportional to the weight of the carbohydrates or proteins we eat, as the carbon molecules and water molecules connect together to form the fatty tissues of the body.

And now … After initial acclimatization, let us try to understand the phenomenon of obesity and why is it so difficult to lose weight.

Weight loss is not a simple matter of a change in lifestyle. It is a complex process of metamorphosis that involves changing in the body shape, from what that we subliminally acknowledge as “normal”. As you will soon find out, it involves a kind of addiction with emotional and physical factors that it is important for us to be aware of, in order to be able to achieve the goal.

 The primary reason for Adult obesity is eating habits.

When we are young, we need relatively large amounts of food and sugars to supply the material and energy needs of the body’s growth and development.

As adults, out of habit, we tend to eat the same number of meals per day and similar amounts of food, even though the body is already finished the process of growth and is usually less active – and so now he needs a lot less energy for its functions. Hence, the excess caloric value we consume converts into fat that is accumulated gradually as we age.

Under what circumstances settled notion that we need three meals a day …

The assumption that one needs three meals a day settled generations ago when people were still physically active, working in construction and in the fields, and producing more energy for their activities.

Today, after the eons that have passed and far-reaching changes in the lifestyle, when most of the work is done by machines and what remains one do it mainly to push the button (or a few buttons – if this is extremely hard work…) when we have suitcases with wheels and trolleys, a car that leads us from point to point and save the energy production of walking, the human body produces much less energy for activity.
Under these circumstances, although we would expect an intelligent creature to change its perception of the nutrition it consumes and reduce consumption according to the level of activity, we are still captive to the same approach that we need three meals a day as it was established several generations ago.

Although we live “by the book” (says you have to eat three meals a day – and so you do…) and hope for the best, the result is a overweight population that suffers from different diseases due to the high percentage of fat in blood vessels, that sinks and becomes “bad cholesterol,” and for many years clogs the blood flow in various organs and tissues.

The body’s natural desire is to be at a positive balance at all times. In this sense, being in a state of fullness …

Naturally, we feel more comfortable with a sense of fullness, than when we are hungry, but here is the catch:

You do not need to be greedy to gain weight, but to lose weight you must be hungry from time to time because the sense of hunger is the result of the contraction of the body, which is actually a slimming process. All you eat to calm the hunger will allow your body to stop consuming fat tissues, and receive its nutrients from the food in the stomach.

Hunger, which appears when we disrupt the balance of the body in the negative direction, begins as a kind of discomfort and continues as pain that it is much more convenient to avoid, especially when the cupboards and the fridge has plenty of snacks and foods to calm the feeling, even while giving you the pleasant experience of taste and texture.

Due to our aspiration to exist in a positive balance, over the years we get a continuous increase in weight. Small increases in the weight that we do not acknowledge accumulate and over the years become a burden. In everyday life, we do not count small increases like hundred grams in a month, but then for a year, without us feeling, they may add up to weight gain on the scale of one kilogram – and even more.
In the longer term, a simple calculation shows that if at twenty you were slim and trim weighing sixty kilos, at the age of fifty, without you being aware, your weight will be ninety-five kilos. That weight limits functionality, a considerable burden on the heart, blood vessels, and other tissues such as muscles, tendons, bones, cartilage, and more…

If you get a feeling of fullness after a meal, know your weight increase.

Although we normally refer to the gases that occasionally find their way out of the body to various food types, the truth is that the gases form because of overload digestive processes.

Gases result from irregular combustion – or the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates when the digestive system is overactive and ineffective.
When we eat large amounts of food, gases of spicy carbohydrates in the digestive system, having an unpleasant odor. It is believed that different types of foods cause gas and those that do not, well, it’s not like the type of food we put into the stomach, as it is because of the reason that some foods are being eaten in exaggerated amounts. Gases with an unpleasant smell, are also a sign that we gain weight.

The reason why babies stuffed suffer from gases, is also that their mothers exaggerate feeding them, so that they will not be hungry, that they will sleep well – etc…

On the other hand, gases are formed in the digestive system – when the body burns fat quickly, as for example in a diet combined with sports activities, but these gases have no smell that the body burns fat tissue – and in these cases, the suspicion of gas is that you really lose weight !!!

(Detailed information about the life and energy, you can find the books “(j) The secrets of creation.”)

Diet and homeostasis mechanisms …

So far we talked about obesity itself.

Now, we will discuss the main factor that makes it difficult to maintain weight, even after vigorous efforts to reduce weight.

Much of the failure of the various weight loss methods, is the result of promises frustrating like “lose weight and feel Seven” …

According to my understanding, such a situation can exist only under deep hypnosis or conditioning – and I will immediately explain why…

While the purpose of any diet is to lose weight in order to narrow the body, once the body is getting thinner – or in other words slimming, which results in a change in the body, from which we are accustomed gradually over many years. The body has a sophisticated mechanism called “homeostasis,” which aims to keep the body in balance. In this case, it aims to return to a ‘normal recognizes and known’ situation and creates the desire for food that will restore it to the old pattern. Hunger is the kind of pain that you can imagine as if worms are eating the flesh – and the only way to calm this pain is through eating. In this subconscious situation, pain takes over and puts us in a position that we find ourselves eating in secret.

Breaking down fats requires a lot of energy and therefore, reducing weight decreases energy, which is expressed in negative feelings such as nervousness, restlessness, discomfort, difficulty to concentrate, and difficulty in falling asleep at night.

this is the reason for the fact that whoever was under a different diet to sleep often slip into the kitchen and eat something (preferably, of course, small, but sweet or high carbohydrate that helps the body to return to the familiar and comfortable dimensions and relax as quickly as possible).

Even daily functioning is not at its best when we are hungry. A decrease in energy, resulting in fatigue, hunger accompanies a loss of concentration and thinking ability, irritability, lack of patience, and a decreased ability of the body’s functioning in every aspect.

In my view, any restriction of volumes – each method of diet or weight-loss method, must be accompanied by a feeling of hunger, which is the body’s instinct. This feeling, as mentioned, is a type of pain that we must recognize and accept – and even love him in order to be able to go through the change. Attempting to lose weight involves resistance to instinct, hence the enormous difficulty.

The cholesterol trap …

It is easier for the body to extract energy from the food we eat which is in the stomach than to break the cholesterol and fat that are stored in tissues.

When we eat, the body uses food found in the stomach to produce energy. Our body starts to break down fat tissues to produce energy only when the stomach is empty and the body does not have fast food available. The problem is that when the stomach is empty, and the body starts to consume fat and change its pattern, we feel the hunger, and so, until we are hungry, the body does not use fat tissues and so it does not change. So if you are looking up for losing weight without feeling hungry, the catch is that when we feel a little hungry we are changing, and we are led by instinct to eat something nutritious rather than suffering hunger that is a kind of pain that we do what we can to avoid.

Diet and phantom pain

Even after a successful diet, you cannot celebrate. It is important to keep the weight consistently for a long time until the body gets used to the new pattern and stopped sending to our consciousness the false hunger sensations.

Sometimes, after months or years of loss, your body “reminds” us of the shape that it was used to with a subconscious effect and requires food, wanting to return the maximum format. This pain is equal to the phantom pain that disabled people experience after losing limbs. The body refers to the excess fat that we lost as a lost limb in many cases causes us to break the diet.

Our body recognizes any change as corruption, and if we caused ourselves some physical mutilation, our body seeks to recover.

This body template which we are concerned, is a physical form which holds a pattern of energy, the pattern of blood vessels and blood pressure in which the body is accustomed to existing, and to which we aspire to return. This sensation is defined by many spiritual doctrines as “inclination”.
This inclination a very difficult overcome, because it controls us through the subconscious.

This fact is why also people who weigh 150 kilo or more, although they have great potential energy reservoirs, suffer hunger, which appears due to a negative change in their body template passes, if not eaten for several hours.

When we open the fridge to “taste something” in between meals, we actually operate automatically from a subconscious impulse that makes us compensate for the constant changes in the body.

The body is not static. It changes all the time, and every weight loss changes in the body, causes us a desire for small candy that is seemingly harmless, but even a smaller bite or something small will make you stay in the same cycle, with the same pattern, with the same scale, with the same frustrations.

Every time we give in to inclination, the body creates the urge that will lead to satisfaction only when the body returns to exactly the same dimensions. Until then, the urge will molest.

There is no fatty foods, there is a fat person… (Diet is pathetic…)

Without developed awareness and discipline, low-calorie food is worthless…

Many sufferers are overweight soothing their consciences when they eat foods low in calories and are careful about drinking diet soda, and yet their weight is not falling… Far beyond the dangers of excess weight, artificial sweetener poisoning significantly increases the risk of serious diseases – and it isn’t about the flu…

As long as you do not run self-discipline, eating low-calorie food will lead to a greater amount of food consumption, to complete through the calories the body needs to return to its normal. many of those who want to reduce weight, sometimes finish a low-calorie meal with delicious chocolate mousse for dessert. And of course – diet soda to calm conscience!

I feel like something sweet …

Even if you stand the hunger and reduce the amount of food that you consume, the stage where the body template contracts and we begin to lose weight, is exactly the moment when we feel like something sweet.

Your body actually creates the need to eat sweet, to get the calories in concentrated form, without us feeling that we eat a lot.

The body can calculate the amount of calories it needed to return to it identifies as normal. Thus, even if you eat bread or a reduced-calorie diet, you will probably eat more – or smear on caloric Spread (flavor enhancer) such as butter or mayonnaise, which will somehow complement the missing caloric from the meager meal. Sometimes the balance would come through the desert: a small candy, dessert, or anything else – seemingly innocent restore the body exactly the same pattern to which he is accustomed.
This little sweet that we put into our mouths to return to a positive balance, is just what is needed for your body to lose the spectacular achievements which we diet which involved quite a lot of suffering and sacrifice.

“Eat vegetables or fruit, it is not fattening” …

Many people experiencing diet, try eating vegetables to avoid gaining weight.

Well, assuming the prevailing opinion is based on scientific research, it appears that in nature, things happen that are not recognized laboratories.
Cows, elephants, hippos, rhinos and gorillas, are the largest animals on land weighing hundreds of pounds, with considerable fat deposits. All vegetarian, eating leaves and stems.
This simple fact raises the question, if the leaves and stems, that are the food on which they are based, provide them with such quantities of fat, why do we refer to them as “slimming food” … (?)

Does sweating causes weight loss

It is believed sweating leads to weight loss …

This belief causes many of those who suffer from obesity to spend long hours in the sauna to sweat and maybe lose a little weight but also worsens the condition of arthritis and other body systems.

Sweating is the heat-regulating mechanism, operated by the body to cool itself when its temperature rises beyond the balance necessary for proper functioning.

During strenuous exercise, the heat generated in the body while burning carbohydrates and fats – will make you sweat, along with weight loss.

Being in a sauna or in hot water causes the sweating mechanism to work similar to the breach of the heat balance in the strenuous exercise, but in contrast, does not burn fat. In this case, the body emits sweat to get rid of excess heat absorbed from an external artificial source. The real danger of this crude violation is massive damage to blood vessels, and as a result, bleeding all over the skin layers. As users of these factors (sauna, etc.) over the years the damage penetrates internal tissues and causes trauma, infections, and other health problems …

Unlike the sweat that the body produces as a result of a controlled acceleration of metabolism, this type of disruption of the balance is destructive, and there is no connection between sweating as a result of such activity and weight reduction. The fluids that we losing the sauna will return to the body through drinking water.

To succeed in losing weight you need to change the approach.

If you want to lose weight, you must learn to live with the sensation of hunger, because there is no weight loss miracles.

This feeling is part of the process of changing the shape of the body, so it must occur every time the body goes through a phase contraction.

You must learn to enjoy the pain of hunger, understanding the uneasy feeling that serves the higher purpose of shedding fats and reducing blood cholesterol. As long succumb to hunger, control your desire – and need something sweet and small, bring you back again and again to normal.

When you are in front of food is available, do not think about eating – that was me. Every time you eat that comes to you, you surrender to produce – and in this way, never take-off weight.
Think if you need it … Look at yourself in the mirror. If you need it, eat healthily. If you do not need it, leave it. Take a walk instead …

Even if it involves throwing food in the trash, he’d better get there – than hang you on the hips, the belly, or on the chin.

To exit the trap format (lose weight), you need your degree of determination, understanding, and self-discipline.

Means that you can use to transfer the needed disturbing snacks, is gum.

Always try to keep sugar-free chewing gum – and if you happen to your health, with some chemicals and artificial sweeteners as much as possible – just gum.
Different situations gum just might relieve boredom in the mouth, causing to snack between meals – and weight gain.

Being fat is a disease! Avoid as much as possible the excess fat in the body, apart from their aesthetic and not attractive at higher levels can cause complications and severe disease.

Hidden thirst, weight gain due to replacement drink food.

Because most people in Western culture are not drinking water, and therefore do not drink enough fluids, we sometimes tend to interpret the sense of the need for fluids (Thirst) – a kind of hunger. “I feel something but I’m not sure what. A cup of coffee … Biscuit… know what? coffee and a Biscuit!”
The body needs water, sends a message to consciousness stomach needs something, but because a couple of minutes before we finished the coffee and generally not going to make another one soon, we react to by eating something that is easy to shut the feeling.

If you suffer from obesity, from now on, every time you feel hungry between meals unexplained causes you to rummage through the fridge or cupboard, pour yourself a glass of water, and drink with all your heart. That will pay double.
This may provide some sense of lack, we interpret often hungry – and benefit your health.

A phenomenon in which you may encounter.

Weight loss body sees danger so severe that when it detects weight loss, it uses hormones that make us feel an almost uncontrollable urge to eat.
Same hormones cause dryness and acidity disruptions mouth, causing us to feel unpleasant taste and decay, they aim to force us to put something here that will make you salivate carbohydrate balanced acidity.

Such situations can be overcome by using chewing gum …

And now – to a practical solution to the problem of excess weight that I have chosen!

If you already understand the problematic nature of the change in your body and you want to overcome instinctive resistance to format changes your body and lose weight in a convenient way, I encourage you to join me in fasting one day a week.

Throughout the week, eat free and fast on Saturday from the morning to night.
I chose the Sabbath day, for several reasons:
Symbolism: the day of rest, we also give off the body and the environment by reducing consumption.
Function: for the most part, on Saturday we have no commitments and running around and distractions, and you can let it off the body without noticing that we must eat so that we can concentrate on work or other daily tasks.
And what’s nice about this weight-loss method, other days you can eat unlimited – and yet your food intake will decline, and generally go down in weight …
Day of fasting will lead to a gradual decrease in food consumption and constrict volumes in the foreseeable future. Fasting does not include refraining from drinking. On the contrary, he drank water as you can, but be careful not to eat anything. No fruit, no olive oil, no cookie rather than grain. If you apply, any breakage could “open the dam” and reduce the number of days of the day we are trying to gain fast to lose weight.
Now, you must ask whether it is not likely to be harmful to health …
If we look at nature as a model, we find that the person in the Western world is the only creature on earth that lives in a constant feeling of satiety and does not feel hungry.
Besides man, there is no other carnivorous animal that exists in a constant state of satiety … Animals must hunt from meal to meal, or to escape the crazy and look for food sources, so the meals are forced to starve for a period of time.
Healthy fast this sense of different toxins stuck in fatty tissues for years, secreted when those tissues are burned.
I adopted the method, and in four months I dropped six pounds of weight, after years of frustration and a sense of “dead-end”.
If you are taking any medications, fasting can cause you to harm your health, because the concentration of the drug can damage an empty stomach. Try other ways!

Unpleasant symptoms that you may experience.

The body doesn’t like changes and so it sees weight loss so severe danger, that when it detects losing weight, it uses the hormones that make us feel almost uncontrollable urge to eat.
These hormones cause dryness and disruption of the acidity of the mouth, causing an unpleasant taste and unpleasant mouth odor, with the aim of forcing us to eat something here that will make you salivate carbohydrate balance the acidity.
Be sensitive to the taste and smell of the mouth on a fast day, such situations can be overcome by chewing gum …
Try to keep sugar-free chewing gum, and if you care for your health, with as little artificial chemicals such as food coloring and sweeteners as possible. Just a simple chewing gum to encourage salivation.

Being fat is being sick! Avoid as much as possible of the excess fat in the body, besides being attractive or not aesthetic, at higher levels can cause complications and severe disease.
Now, have you got to internalize the information, and trying to control your weight with your eyes open higher awareness of the difficulties, but with the desire to face – and a way to succeed.

Find those helpful tips – as well as many others  which can improve your life quality, in the book series “Things you won’t hear from your Doctor” – by Eyal Cohen

The book “Zen and The Natural Cure for Gum Diseases”  is now available as an E-book on Amazon.

© copyrights Eyal Cohen

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