How to cure Diabetic wounds
By: Eyal Cohen, Hiller, and author of the book series “Things You Won’t Hear From Your Doctor.”
Diabetes causes many different health problems, but one of the most prominent and severe is wounds, which instead of getting cured, are rapidly worsening, and may develop into a reason why doctors cut off limbs.
Why do people with diabetes get injured and the wounds do not heal?
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas and secreted into the bloodstream, and its function is to allow sugar to penetrate the cells, as a raw material to produce energy. Diabetes develops as a result of pancreatic insufficiency, which is a condition in which the pancreas does not have enough blood flow to be able to function properly. The higher the insufficiency, the less insulin it can produce and the lower quality of insulin that it produces. The lower the level or the quality of insulin, the less sugar can penetrate the body cells, And therefore the body suffers from lack of energy, and the sugar accumulates in the blood, resulting in the blood becomes sweet.
The sugar in the blood, in fact, is a “fast food” for bacteria that penetrate the body, allowing them to reproduce quickly and overwhelm the immune system. Bacteria that enter the body through cracks in the skin – especially in the feet – can multiply rapidly and cause inflammation to develop until necrosis develops, which requires the removal of foot and sometimes other parts of the body.
In the book “Zen and The Natural Cure to the common Gum Disease,” which opens the book series “Things You Won’t Hear From Your Doctor,” I discussed the similarity between tooth decay, which develops as a result of a sugar imbalance in the mouth, to the diabetic wounds that develop as a result of a sugar imbalance in the blood, which enables bacteria to overcome the immune system and cause foot decay.
The inflammation that develops in the wounds of diabetes is also a result of hyperglycemia in the blood, allowing the uncontrolled proliferation of bacteria that create wounds to which they penetrate and cause necrosis. The two cases are essentially the same, and in both cases, the extra sugar is the cause of the growth of disproportionately proliferating bacteria and the collapse of the immune system, and the difference is that the process takes place in different tissues.
The medical approach is a lot of antibiotics, and if that does not work, they try more antibiotics and different types of antibiotics, and when they come to the conclusion that it does not help, they simply cut off the infected parts that suffer from necrosis in your feet.
There is another approach that medicine does not recognize, but which has high chances of recovery and no risks and is healing.
If you have a polysaccharide, before you reach the hospital and leave with a much higher degree of disability and disability, I invite you to treatments that will make you forget the pain and wound quickly and effectively that will surprise your doctor as well. Healing or Reiki treatments enhance and strengthen the body’s healing ability, help the body to regenerate tissues, and enable fast, high-quality natural healing. From the time the body receives Healing therapy, it enters the ecstasy of healing, showing results that without this therapy there is no way even to imagine.
As a therapist, I invite people suffering from a diabetic wound to experience, instead of going to the hospital and giving up organs in the body or undergoing a series of suffering and agony, which is fraught with chemicals and invasive intervention.
Healing is guaranteed. You did not rivet – you did not pay. No more simple than that!
In the photos before you, the diabetic wound after three treatments, and if in the first photograph the situation looks terrible to you, it is after treatment. Before the treatment, it was all black, and the amazing thing is that after the third treatment the wound was closed.
So far about treating the severe symptoms of diabetes.
Concerning the treatment of diabetes itself, reiki or healing treatments for pancreas may restore blood flow and metabolism, revitalize the pancreas and restore it to normal functioning. I recommend to anyone with diabetes treatment of this type, in parallel with medication, while monitoring the blood sugar level, while if there is an improvement in pancreas function, reduce the external insulin accordingly. You may be surprised!
These tips – and many others that can improve the quality of your life immeasurably, and even prolong it, you will find in the series of books “Things You Won’t hear from your doctor.”